Digital Fika is a weekly meeting that casually introduces basic electronic tips and tricks. After the basic introductions, we will also together explore several interesting electronic components that can be useful in future Smart textiles practices.
Topic1: How to use multimeter
Topic2: What is pull down/up resistors?
Topic3: How to read sensor inputs in Arduino
Here is the download link to the Arduino sketch and Processing sketch for Analog input visualization example >>
Topic4: How to control LED from Arduino (on/off, fading)
Topic5: How to control switches (transistor/mosfet/relay)
Topic6: How to control servo motor
Topic7: How to control DC motor (H bridge)
Topic8: What is Peltier Junction?
Topic9: What is Muscle Wire?
Topic10: How to control EL wire and panels?
The meeting will be held every Wednesday from 16:00 on at the Smart Textiles Design Lab kitchen area. Each meeting will start with a simple demonstration and short explanation (slide projection/ copied text) by Mika about the topic of the week. Then participants can ‘hands-on’ experiment with it as they prefer.
The meetings are intended to last for one hour, however it is possible that the following experiments may continue longer.
As it is titled as Fika there will also be tea/coffee and some sweets served at the meetings.
The aim of this meeting is to inform ourselves with some electronics knowledge, and encourage experimenting with new/interesting components. As Zach Lieberman stated, ‘DIWO (Do It With Others) is the new DIY (Do It Yourself)’ is the inspiration of this gathering. DIY is great, but when you do it with others and share the knowledge, surprise and ‘wow’ moment, it feels even better.