TEXTILE INTERSECTIONS is a four-day conference, doctoral consortium and exhibition organized by Loughborough University, in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, London, University of Borås, Sweden and Elisava, Barcelona, Spain. The conference will take place at Loughborough University London Campus between 20-23 of September 2023. It is a follow up of two previous conferences that have been […]
The Smart Textiles design lab together with Smart textiles organisation has exhibited at Techtextil in Frankfurt. On-going research projects in the lab show complex textile expressions based achieved through the research on thermo-chromic printing, 3D printing, plant growth on textiles and changeable woven structures. participants: Delia Dumitrescu, professor HB Jyoti Kapur, phd student HB and […]
Kristi Kuusk, Marjan Kooroshnia and Jussi Mikkonen The development of Butterfly Lace started and carried on as an extension of ArcinTex network workshop (Arcintex, 2014). Multi disciplinary team of researchers collaborated while situated in three countries, to realize conductive multi-color sensor-actuator structure. Over several prototyping sessions, Skype conversations and e-mail exchange, the lace is made […]
Hyperbody’s MSc 2 Robotic Environments+Smart Textiles Design Lab project workshop at the Swedish School of Textiles Bob Heester, Dimitra Dritsa, Esther Slagter, Marien Teeuw Delia Dumitrescu, Marjan Kooroshnia http://www.hyperbody.nl/about/news/news/tx_ttnews% 5Btt_news%5D=222&cHash=319ff339bc606f2b99c8b 731830bfd2e Hyperbody’s MSc 2 Robotic Environments projects exhibited at Science Centre and V2_ http://www.hyperbody.nl/about/news/news/ Metatopia_exhibition, Media Lab, Prado Madrid pics from the Metatopia exhibition(photo:Hyperbody) […]
rhythm exercise_13in1 Abstract: The exhibit 13in1 is an example of my PhD research work which aims to answer the following research question: What does it mean to explore time and changing expression, in the form of continuous movement as an integral part of textile design? The aim is to create time-based textiles, which examine the […]
Vävt ljus och smarta textilier – en utställning som förändrar synen på textil Textil, optiska fibrer och LEDs står i fokus när doktoranden Barbara Jansen ställer ut resultatet av sin doktorsavhandling i textildesign – ”Composing over time, temporal patterns”. I utställningen på Textilmuseet smälter textil och teknik samman på ett nyskapande sätt. Ljus, ljud […]
Exhibition Color Memories at Konsthallen in Tidaholm, Sweden 26-28 september Linda Worbin
The design example “Trace” (2006-2008) is still alive and will be exhibited at The Scin Gallery Clerkenwell, central London, UK during winter 2014 Textiles are traditionally designed and produced to more or less keep a given, static expression during their life cycle; a striped pattern is supposed to keep its stripes. Also textile designers are […]
JANSEN, B. & CARLEKLEV, J. 2014. Sinus 64 + blue (exhibition). In: AUT University, A. (ed.) Shapeshifting conference 2014. Auckland: AUT University. View video – Sinus 64 + blue
Woven light is organized by the 3rd year students in textile design.
Dumitrescu, D. (2013). Relational Textiles:surface expressions in space design. PhD thesis. Studies in Artistic Research no. 7.Borås:The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås. http://bada.hb.se/handle/2320/12672 Relational Textiles: exhibition Knitted Forms in Movement(movie)
Licentiate thesis exhibition displaying colour flow and rhythm exercise: colour flow: rythm exercise: Keywords: Light-emitting, textiles, time-based, composing movement, PMMA optical fibres View interview in exhibition: http://www.smarttextiles.se/se/anslagstavla/360-tillfaelliga-moenster-med-fiberoptik Download thesis from: http://bada.hb.se/handle/2320/12236 Jansen, B. 2013. Composing over time, temporal patterns in Textile Design. University of Borås, Studies in Artistic Rsearch No 5, 2013
PhD candidates exhibition in Ronse, Belgium at Textiles Open Innovation Centre, 14-18 October 2013 PhD candidates Tonje Kristensen, Delia Dumitrescu, Linnéa Nilsson and Marjan Kooroshnia attendes from Smart Textile Design Lab / The Swedish School of Textiles. During the exhibition they also attended the ArcIntex network meeting on the theme Playfulness and its transition […]
Brief Project Description: The central feature of the art piece is the artist’s picture printed on wool fabric covered with moth’s eggs. The eggs have been allowed to develop into larvae, which have fed on the wool fabric, making holes in it. A second layer, made of silk-organza fabric and printed in a Persian carpet […]
Abstract: The exhibit 13in1 is an example of my PhD research work which aims to answer the following research question: What does it mean to explore time and changing expression, in the form of continuous movement as an integral part of textile design? The aim is to create time-based textiles, which examine the aesthetics of […]
Abstract: The project investigates how the sun can be utilized to enhance aesthetics through textile surfaces in urban environments. The project explores the interplay of textiles as a sun-screening element within the outdoor public architectural space. What happens when we use the sun’s heat and light to trigger a light and shadow play through a textile […]
Come and see some of the Smart Textile Design Lab projects at the Ambience’11 exhibition. “In art and design practices, materials and technology are means of expression as well as sources of inspiration. On the other hand, in technical development processes art and design provide meaning, direction and expressions of functionality. In some sense this duality of perspectives […]
We are showing work in progress version of the Textile Resistance at Kulturhuset in Stockholm as part of the SYNTJUNTANS DAY. It is scheduled on 3rd of September at Kulturhuset in Stockholm. Welcome! www.syntjuntan.se
Evelyn Lebis is proud to present The Saturday Light Fever costume in the Smart Textiles Salon 2011 in Ghent on the 21st of April 2011! The Saturday Light Fever project.
The Super Hero Costume is mimicking elements of nature’s butterflies. The costume was granted with an honorable mention for the execution at the TEI2011 student design challenge.
Recurring Patterns is exhibited at: Stockholm Furniture Fair February 8-12 2011 Salon Internazionale del Mobile April 12-17 2011 See project page for more details The project is a collaboration between the furniture company IRE, Smart Textile Design Lab at the Swedish School of Textile, University of Borås and Smart Textiles innovationsytem.