Dumitrescu, D., Kooroshnia, M, Landin, H.(2014). Exploring the relation between time-based textile patterns and digital environments. Proceedings Ambience’14, 7-9 September, Tampere Technical University, Tampere, Finland
Dumitrescu, D., Nilsson,L., Persson, ,A., Worbin, L.,(2014). Smart textiles as raw materials for design. Proceedings Shape Shifting, Auckland, AUT, 14-16 April, Auckalnd, NZ. http://aut.researchgateway.ac.nz/handle/10292/8581
rhythm exercise_13in1 Abstract: The exhibit 13in1 is an example of my PhD research work which aims to answer the following research question: What does it mean to explore time and changing expression, in the form of continuous movement as an integral part of textile design? The aim is to create time-based textiles, which examine the […]
Vävt ljus och smarta textilier – en utställning som förändrar synen på textil Textil, optiska fibrer och LEDs står i fokus när doktoranden Barbara Jansen ställer ut resultatet av sin doktorsavhandling i textildesign – ”Composing over time, temporal patterns”. I utställningen på Textilmuseet smälter textil och teknik samman på ett nyskapande sätt. Ljus, ljud […]
Exhibition Color Memories at Konsthallen in Tidaholm, Sweden 26-28 september Linda Worbin
The design example “Trace” (2006-2008) is still alive and will be exhibited at The Scin Gallery Clerkenwell, central London, UK during winter 2014 Textiles are traditionally designed and produced to more or less keep a given, static expression during their life cycle; a striped pattern is supposed to keep its stripes. Also textile designers are […]