Smart Textiles Design Lab Blog at The Swedish School of Textiles

Exploring the relation between time-based textile patterns and digital environments
Exploring the relation between time-based textile patterns and digital environments

Dumitrescu, D., Kooroshnia, M, Landin, H.(2014). Exploring the relation between time-based textile patterns and digital environments. Proceedings Ambience’14, 7-9 September, Tampere Technical University, Tampere, Finland

Smart Textiles as Raw Materials for Design
Smart Textiles as Raw Materials for Design

    Dumitrescu, D., Nilsson,L., Persson, ,A., Worbin, L.,(2014). Smart textiles as raw materials for design. Proceedings Shape Shifting, Auckland, AUT, 14-16 April, Auckalnd, NZ.

rhythm exercise_13in1
rhythm exercise_13in1

rhythm exercise_13in1 Abstract: The exhibit 13in1 is an example of my PhD research work which aims to answer the following research question: What does it mean to explore time and changing expression, in the form of continuous movement as an integral part of textile design? The aim is to create time-based textiles, which examine the […]

Woven light and smart textiles

  Vävt ljus och smarta textilier – en utställning som förändrar synen på textil Textil, optiska fibrer och LEDs står i fokus när doktoranden Barbara Jansen ställer ut resultatet av sin doktorsavhandling i textildesign – ”Composing over time, temporal patterns”. I utställningen på Textilmuseet smälter textil och teknik samman på ett nyskapande sätt. Ljus, ljud […]

Color Memories
Color Memories

  Exhibition Color Memories at Konsthallen in Tidaholm, Sweden 26-28 september Linda Worbin

Traces exhibited in London, UK

The design example “Trace” (2006-2008) is still alive and will be exhibited at The Scin Gallery Clerkenwell, central London, UK during winter 2014 Textiles are traditionally designed and produced to more or less keep a given, static expression during their life cycle; a striped pattern is supposed to keep its stripes. Also textile designers are […]