Smart Textiles Design Lab Blog at The Swedish School of Textiles

Light and Shadow Play – The sun as an aesthetic trigger for urban textiles

Abstract: The project investigates how the sun can be utilized to enhance aesthetics through textile surfaces in urban environments. The project explores the interplay of textiles as a sun-screening element within the outdoor public architectural space.

What happens when we use the sun’s heat and light to trigger a light and shadow play through a textile surface?

What happens when designing with an unpre-dictable parameter – the sun – in relation to the predictability of the textile design processes?

The exhibited objects; an interactive 3D model, two animation films and six storyboards, will summaries the research process and results. The interactive model is open for the audience to interact with via their own observations and explorations.


Barbara Jansen, Marie Ledendal (2011): ” Light and Shadow Play – The sun as an aesthetic trigger for urban textiles” In Exhibition of Ambience ´11, Borås, Sweden, Nov 28-30, 2011


Photo 1 + 2: Daylight laboratory: moving artificial sun and observing the model,
Photographer: Henrik Bengtsson, Imaginara, Sweden

Photo 3: Daylight laboratory: set up for animation films,
Photographer: Pierre Ledendal, Film & Bildstudion, Sweden

Photo 4 + 5: Film stils, Animation 1 + 2,
Photographer: Pierre Ledendal, Film & Bildstudion, Sweden




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