Smart Textiles Design Lab Blog at The Swedish School of Textiles

ArcInTex Network
ArcInTex Network ArcInTex is a network where Architecture, Interaction Design and Textiles join forces in developing ideas, techniques, methods and programs for new perspectives on design for building, dwelling and living and do so through: joint research projects, joint applications for funding larger projects, exchange programs on the Master and research levels, joint conferences and workshop […]

Textile Intersections conference
Textile Intersections conference

TEXTILE INTERSECTIONS is a four-day conference, doctoral consortium and exhibition organized by Loughborough University, in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, London, University of BorĂ¥s, Sweden and Elisava, Barcelona, Spain.  The conference will take place at Loughborough University London Campus  between 20-23 of September 2023. It is a follow up of two previous conferences that have been […]