ArcInTex is a network where Architecture, Interaction Design and Textiles join forces in developing ideas, techniques, methods and programs for new perspectives on design for building, dwelling and living and do so through:
The network is coordinated by Smart Textiles Design Lab and the Design Department at The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
Network Coordinators:
The Swedish School of Textiles
University of Borås
Phone: +46 (0) 761 723 923
The Swedish School of Textiles
University of Borås
Phone: +46 (0) 33 4354515
Professor Aurelie Mosse, Université Paris Sciences Lettres
Professor Jane Scott, University of Newcastle
Professor Ann-Louise Bang, VIA Univerity College
Professor Delia Dumitrescu, University of Borås
Professor Anne Toomey, Royal College of Art
Senior Lecturer Sarah Kettley, Edinburgh University
Assistant Professor Oscar Tomico, Elisava
Assistant Professor Kristina Andersen, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Professor Egle Ganda Bogdaniene, Vilnius Academy of Arts
Professor Pirjo Kääriäinen, Aalto University
Associate professor Marjan Kooroshnia, University of Borås